Music City Detox

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Nashville, Tennessee

At Music City Detox, our dual diagnosis treatment programs in Tennessee treat both substance use disorder and mental illness simultaneously to create long-term results.

If you need professional care for both a mental health disorder and a co-occurring addiction, Music City Detox offers dual diagnosis treatment at our detox programs in Tennessee. With expert care, our dual diagnosis programs allow individuals to recover from both a mental health disorder and substance use disorder simultaneously.

If you or a loved one may be suffering from a dual diagnosis disorder, we can help. Call us now at 615-695-1009 or verify your insurance now.


A dual diagnosis disorder is a co-occurring substance use disorder and a mental health disorder. If someone is addicted to alcohol, and they also have bipolar disorder, this would be considered dual diagnosis.

Sometimes, a person develops a mental health disorder, then turns to alcohol or other substances in an attempt to self-medicate or temporarily numb themselves to their emotional pain. 

In other cases, the devastation of untreated addiction can cause a person to develop anxiety, depression, PTSD, or another mental health concern. Unfortunately, 50% of people who experience a substance use disorder during their lives will also have a mental health disorder, and vice versa.

Regardless of which type of disorder occurred first, having both an addiction and a mental health concern could qualify a person to receive care at dual diagnosis treatment while attending one of our detox programs in Nashville.

You're Not Alone. We Can Help.

At Music City Detox, our team of addiction experts in Nashville specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and premier detox services and are committed to helping each client find their own path to recovery.


Personalization is a vital element of care for both addictions and mental health disorders. This means that one person’s experience in dual diagnosis treatment could be quite different from another person’s.

The client completes a thorough assessment so their treatment team can determine the scope of their mental health needs and understand how they have been impacted by their struggles with compulsive substance abuse.

  • The treatment team recommends one or more levels of care. Dual diagnosis treatment centers in Tennessee and elsewhere may offer care at multiple levels, including alcohol or drug detox, residential, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient programs.
  • The treatment team members identify the therapies, medications, and support services that are most appropriate for the patient.
  • The patient begins to participate in the therapies and services that are included in their customized dual diagnosis treatment plan.

    Before a patient transitions out of a dual diagnosis treatment center, they should also receive an individualized aftercare plan.

Substance use disorders and most mental illnesses are chronic conditions, which means that dual diagnosis patients need to make a lifelong effort to manage their mental health symptoms and remain in recovery.

An effective discharge plan will ensure that a person is connected with the resources that can support them after they have completed treatment.

Tour Our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program in Tennessee


The best way to be sure that a dual diagnosis treatment program is the right place for you is to consult with a qualified healthcare provider. Many reputable dual diagnosis treatment centers in Tennessee offer free assessments to help potential patients find the right type of care, including Music City Detox.

If you’re not sure that you should schedule an assessment, ask yourself the following questions about your substance use:

If you can honestly answer yes to one or more of these questions, you may have developed an addiction, and you should strongly consider scheduling an assessment.

Of course, to meet the intake criteria at our dual diagnosis treatment programs in Tennessee, your struggles with addiction must be accompanied by symptoms of a mental health disorder.

Here are a few questions that can help you determine if you meet that requirement:

Please note that these questions only address a fraction of the symptoms and experiences that could indicate you have a mental health concern. But if you answered yes to any of them, or if you simply think that you might need help with your mental health, it may be time to talk to a professional.

Remember: Almost all dual diagnosis disorders are treatable. When you get the care you need, you can start living a healthier and more satisfying life.


At Music City Detox, we provide the first step in treatment for a dual diagnosis disorder. Tennessee may offer a variety of programming options, such as:

  • Detox – Detox is often the first step needed. Individuals going through detox are medically-monitored 24/7 to ensure they go through drug and alcohol withdrawal safely. 
  • Residential Treatment: At this level, you will live at the center where you’re being treated. Residential programs typically feature full days of treatment, therapeutic recreational activities, nutritious meals, and supervised time for relaxation and reflection.
  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): Treatment at the PHP level usually includes full days of treatment, five days per week. However, unlike with a residential program, when you’re in a PHP you only need to be at the center while you’re receiving care. In the evenings and on the weekends you can spend time at home or in an alternative supported residence.
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): IOPs offer greater flexibility and independence while still providing you with a structured connection to clinical services. At this level, you may participate in two or three hours of treatment, two to five days per week.

Some dual diagnosis clients only spend time at one level such as detox or residential, then step down to a PHP and/or an IOP for additional support. There’s no right or wrong path. What’s most important is finding the path that’s right for you.


Depending on each patient’s unique needs, treatment at our dual diagnosis program in Tennessee may involve prescription medication, several forms of therapy, and a variety of supplemental support services.

Medications can ease the symptoms of many mental illnesses, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. Medication may also be beneficial for people who are experiencing cravings and other symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol, opioids, and certain other substances.

The therapeutic component of dual diagnosis treatment may include a variety of approaches, such as:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – CBT helps in challenging maladaptive thought patterns and replace them with healthy new coping skills and strategies.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) – Dialectical Behavioral Therapy incorporates components of CBT, however utilizes other therapeutic aspects that include mindfulness, emotional regulation, and more. 
  • Individual Psychotherapy – Individual Therapy allows clients to work one-on-one with a Master’s Level Clinician to process trauma, grief, or any other underlying issue that may have contributed to the dual diagnosis disorder.
  • Addiction Psychiatry – Our psychiatric services and our medical team prescribes individuals medications (if clinically appropriate) to help with withdrawal symptoms and underlying psychological and mental disorders. 
  • Family Therapy – Family therapy during detox and dual diagnosis treatment can help in repairing family strain, and. help family members find their own individual recovery.
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) – Our Medication-Assisted Treatment program combines behavioral therapies and pharmacological therapies to help prevent relapse and create accountability.
  • Music Therapy – At Music City Detox, we believe music can heal. We provide music therapy for our clients whether that be listening to music or creating their own to reflect and process the past, the present, and the future.
  • Holistic Therapy – Often with mental health disorders and substance abuse, we lose touch with our authentic selves. We combine a traditional model with a holistic approach with an emphasize on wholeness of the mind and body.
  • Aftercare – Detox and residential is only the first step to a life in recovery. We provide aftercare referrals and options for individuals to continue their treatment upon discharge of our program.


At Music City Detox, we work closely with all of our clients to help them find the follow-on care that will best prepare them for lifelong recovery. For some patients, this involves making a referral to a trusted dual diagnosis treatment center.

To learn more about the features and benefits of dual diagnosis treatment during detox, or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our admissions page or call us today.


Did you know most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can help cover most of the costs associated with our program? Click below to find out your coverage and treatment options for our detox centers in Nashville.