Music City Detox

Alcohol Gastritis Symptoms + Treatment

Table of Contents

Dr. Michael Ferri, MD

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Michael Ferri

Last Updated on:
August 14, 2024

Alcohol gastritis is a treatable condition – if you realize you have it and get appropriate care. But if you aren’t able to identify common alcohol gastritis symptoms, you may not get the treatment you need until you’ve already incurred substantial harm.

What Is Alcohol Gastritis?

Before we discuss alcohol gastritis symptoms and treatment options, it can be helpful to review what this condition is and why it can be so dangerous.

Alcohol gastritis is sometimes referred to as alcohol-related gastritis and alcoholic gastritis. Regardless of which term a person uses to describe the condition, it is characterized by an inflammation and erosion of the stomach lining. 


As its name implies, alcohol gastritis is caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. 

When a person drinks alcohol, the substance passes through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which includes the stomach, esophagus, and several other organs. When the alcohol reaches the stomach, it can disrupt the production of gastric acid: 

  • In a healthy GI tract, gastric acid helps the body digest food. 
  • Alcoholic beverages that are low in ethanol, such as beer and wine, can trigger the release of too much gastric acid. 
  • Elevated levels of gastric acid can, in turn, irritate and inflame the stomach’s lining, which can cause gastritis. 
  • Continued exposure to alcohol can exacerbate this inflammation, leading to more intense alcohol gastritis symptoms.

It is also important to note that alcohol consumption is just one of many potential causes of gastritis. Smoking tobacco, eating spicy foods, enduring overwhelming stress, developing certain autoimmune disorders, and being exposed to certain infections can also cause this condition.


If diagnosed and addressed in time, alcohol gastritis symptoms are usually treatable. But if the condition goes undetected, or if a person doesn’t receive appropriate care and make necessary lifestyle changes, it can cause a host of problems, such as:

  • Anemia
  • Peritonitis
  • Sepsis
  • Bleeding ulcers in the stomach
  • Peptic ulcers in the upper GI tract
  • Polyps on the stomach lining
  • Benign and cancerous tumors

Again, remember that alcohol gastritis is usually treatable. If you identify the symptoms of this condition and get appropriate care, you can minimize your risk for long-term damage.

Find Help Now

At Music City Detox, we understand the emotional, mental, and physical impact that addiction can have – because we’ve been there too. If you or a loved one are struggling, verify your insurance, or call us now.

Alcohol Gastritis Symptoms

It isn’t always easy to identify the symptoms of alcohol gastritis. Two common reasons for this are:

  • Sometimes, people don’t have obvious symptoms until the problem has reached a critical point.
  • Often, the more noticeable early symptoms don’t seem to be particularly severe, or they suggest another problem.

Common alcohol gastritis symptoms include:

  • Indigestion, or an upset stomach after eating
  • Frequent burping or hiccupping 
  • Mild pain in the abdomen
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue

As the condition becomes more severe, symptoms may include:

  • Constant, intense stomach pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blood in stool or vomit
  • Bleeding ulcers
  • Exhaustion

You can’t self-diagnose alcohol gastritis. If you suspect that you have the condition, you should schedule an examination with your primary physician or another qualified healthcare provider. 

There are several types of tests that can detect gastritis. Once you have received an accurate diagnosis, you and your provider can discuss appropriate treatment options and identify the changes that you may need to make.

If you have developed alcohol gastritis, these necessary changes may include quitting drinking. For many people, this may not be a difficult step to take. But if you have alcohol use disorder (which is the clinical term for alcoholism) it may be extremely challenging, especially if you don’t get help.

The good news is that alcohol addiction is also a treatable condition. With proper care and a concerted effort, you can end your alcohol use and begin to live a healthier life in recovery.

The Benefits of Detox for Alcohol Addiction

When you have become addicted to alcohol, and you suddenly quit drinking, you will likely experience a variety of distressing withdrawal symptoms. In particularly severe cases of alcoholism, withdrawal can even be life-threatening.

If you have alcohol gastritis, you need to stop drinking immediately. Given the difficulty and potential danger of withdrawal, trying to do this on your own can be a risky decision. A safer option – and one that will substantially increase your ability to successfully complete withdrawal – is to begin your recovery journey in an alcohol detox program.

Detox can offer an array of benefits, such as:

  • You will be in a safe, closely supervised environment where you won’t have access to alcohol. Unlike at home, where cravings and other alcohol withdrawal symptoms could quickly push you back into active alcohol abuse, detox removes this option.
  • In a reputable and effective detox program, you will be under the care of experts who are familiar with all aspects of alcohol withdrawal. Knowing what you can expect, such as how long your symptoms are likely to last, can eliminate fear of the unknown and help you remain focused on your goal.
  • Your treatment team can provide you with medical support to protect your health and help you manage your discomfort. At home, by the time you realize you are in crisis and summon medical assistance, considerable damage may have already occurred. In a detox program, you can get the care you need as soon as you need it.
  • During detox, you may also be able to participate in therapy. This can help you manage withdrawal symptoms that aren’t alleviated by medication. Therapy can also help you begin to build a framework for your alcohol-free future.

As you approach the end of your time in detox, your team can also help you determine what type of follow-on treatment is right for you. Detox can be a significant first step, but to progress in your recovery, you will likely need additional care and support. Your detox team can help you connect with the resources and support services that are right for you. 

[Recommended: “How Long Does It Take to Detox?“]

Find Alcohol Detox in Nashville

If you can benefit from professional help to get through withdrawal, Music City Detox is here for you. At our center, you will be cared for by dedicated professionals who can guide you through the withdrawal process safely and with minimal discomfort. 

Features of care at our Nashville alcohol rehab and detox center include medication-assisted treatment (MAT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and dual diagnosis treatment for patients whose struggles with addiction are accompanied by anxiety, depression, or other co-occurring mental health concerns. We also offer robust aftercare planning services to help you build on the progress you make while you’re with us.

To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Admissions page or call us today.