Music City Detox

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in Nashville

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Begin Drug and Alcohol Detox Today! Overcome everything that is holding you back.

When struggling with alcohol and substance use disorders, there are different types of evidence-based therapeutic modalities used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan at Music City Detox. One such therapy we offer our clients with our personalized detox programs is dialectical behavioral therapy in Nashville.

What Is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of psychotherapy that incorporates components of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) along with other therapeutic aspects, including:

  • Mindfulness
  • Emotion regulation
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Distress tolerance

DBT helps people become more aware of their emotions and behaviors that are contributing to their addiction, as well as triggers and stressful situations that could cause relapse. DBT also helps people develop the tools needed to address these situations, as well as change their behaviors, feelings, and thoughts to avoid negative reactions.  

You're Not Alone. We Can Help.

At Music City Detox, our team of addiction experts in Nashville specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and premier detox services and are committed to helping each client find their own path to recovery.

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Components of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

DBT consists of four main components:

  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves becoming more aware and present in the current moment. It helps people develop observational skills while increasing awareness of their feelings and thoughts without reacting to them negatively. 
  • Emotion regulation: Emotion regulation involves developing skills and techniques that help people recognize and regulate negative emotions effectively. Part of the process is identifying triggers and negative emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. People then learn how to increase positive responses, reduce their vulnerability to negativity, and use emotion regulation strategies. 
  • Interpersonal effectiveness: This component of DBT helps people develop more effective communication skills in order to improve relationships with others. It involves learning assertiveness skills while maintaining healthy boundaries, self-respect, and using conflict resolution techniques. 
  • Distress tolerance: This DBT component focuses on helping people learn skills to help them tolerate distressing situations, such as facing triggers or extremely stressful situations, without relapsing. Some of the skills people learn include crisis survival, acceptance, distraction techniques, and self-soothing techniques. 

Each of these components complements each other when used within the structured framework of DBT as part of a comprehensive addiction treatment program.

Our Nashville Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Programs

Dialectical behavioral therapy in Nashville at Music City Detox is offered with all of our personalized and comprehensive detox programs, including:

DBT can be provided using the following types of therapies:

  • Individual therapy: This type of therapy is where the individual and psychiatrist work one-on-one to address specific issues, set goals, learn and develop the appropriate skills, and is given “homework” assignments to work on outside of therapy sessions.
  • Group therapy: DBT group therapy is a group session that focuses on learning and practicing DBT skills. Sessions are led by a psychiatrist or trained therapist who teaches the group various concepts related to managing emotions, behaviors, and thoughts more effectively. DBT group sessions often include role-playing to allow participants time to practice new skills and techniques.

What Conditions Can DBT Help Treat?

DBT is an effective evidence-based therapy that can be used to treat a variety of different conditions, including:

  • Alcohol Use Disorder
  • Substance Use Disorder
  • Depression Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • PTSD
  • Trauma
  • Eating Disorders
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Panic Disorders
  • ADHD
  • Self-harm and Suicidal Behaviors
  • Co-occurring Disorders

The Effectiveness of DBT in Addiction Treatment

Nashville dialectical behavioral therapy can be very effective in addiction treatment and sustaining long-term recovery. DBT has four primary goals when it is included in alcohol and substance use disorder treatment programs:

  • Regain control: DBT helps individuals regain control over their behaviors, emotions, and thoughts, which normally are out of control when struggling with addiction.
  • Address and deal with emotions: When people are addicted to alcohol and drugs, they often shut down their emotional responses in favor of drinking or using drugs. DBT helps people to acknowledge their emotions and learn how to respond to them in a healthy manner. 
  • Rebuild one’s life and relationships: Addiction is a disease that affects the individual and those around them. DBT helps people learn how to rebuild their lives in a healthier manner than turning to alcohol or drugs, as well as helps them start repairing and rebuilding damaged relationships. 
  • Acceptance and a sense of connectedness: DBT helps people learn how to be accepting of themselves, their feelings, emotions, and behaviors. The various skills and techniques they learn also help them develop a sense of connectedness with their peers, family, and friends. 

Find Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in Nashville Today

When you are tired of letting alcohol or drugs run your life, help is available at Music City Detox to help you break free from addiction. Our caring and compassionate team is ready to help you take the first steps to recovery with comprehensive and personalized care plans that include dialectical behavioral therapy in Nashville.

Contact us today to start the admissions process to a brighter, substance-free future.


Did you know most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can help cover most of the costs associated with our program? Click below to find out your coverage and treatment options for our detox centers in Nashville.