Music City Detox

Inpatient Rehab in Nashville, Tennessee

Our residential and inpatient rehab programs can offer a thriving start to you or your loved ones recovery journey. Backed by evidence-based therapies and trauma-informed principles, we can help.

Inpatient rehab is often the first step in overcoming addiction or dual diagnosis disorders.

At Music City Detox, our inpatient rehab programs in Nashville provide a highly structured level of care tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Client live onsite and receive 24/7 monitoring and care from our addiction experts.

You're Not Alone. We Can Help.

At Music City Detox, our team of addiction experts in Nashville specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and premier detox services and are committed to helping each client find their own path to recovery.

What is Inpatient & Residential Rehab?

Inpatient addiction treatment, also known as residential rehab, involves staying at a treatment facility for an extended period, depending on clinical necessity. During this time, individuals receive 24/7 care and support from medical professionals, therapists, and peer support specialists. This intensive level of care is designed to help individuals overcome addiction by providing a structured environment free from external triggers and stressors.

During inpatient rehab, individuals meet weekly with Doctors, Therapists individually while partaking in group therapy, experiential therapy, and other holistic therapies. 

Studies have shown that individuals who participate in inpatient treatment programs with evidence-based therapies are more likely to maintain sobriety compared to those who do not receive such comprehensive care. The structured and supportive environment of inpatient rehab, combined with therapeutic interventions, addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, leading to higher rates of sustained abstinence.

Tour Our Inpatient Rehab in Nashville, Tennessee

How Do I Know I Need Inpatient Rehab?

If you find you’re questioning the need of treatment for yourself or a loved one, you may need treatment. In addition, determining the need for inpatient drug and alcohol rehab is a crucial step towards recovery. You may need inpatient rehab if you’ve experienced the following:

  • Severe withdrawal symptoms when you stop using substances.
  • History of relapse after previous attempts to quit.
  • Struggle with co-occurring mental health disorders (dual diagnosis) such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD.
  • Find that outpatient treatment has not been effective in helping you maintain sobriety.
  • Live in an environment that is not supportive of recovery, where you are exposed to triggers and stressors that make it difficult to stay clean.
  • Feel that your substance use is out of control and negatively impacting your daily life, relationships, and responsibilities.

If any of these situations apply to you, inpatient rehab can provide the intensive support and structured environment needed to achieve and maintain sobriety. Our experts can help you determine what level of care is most appropriate.

What to Expect From Our Addiction Treatment Programs

We understand that seeking help for addiction often comes during some of the most challenging times in a person’s life. At Music City Detox, we’re are committed to providing a family-like environment where clients can feel comfortable and secure, knowing they are not alone in their journey to recovery.

Upon entering our program, clients undergo a comprehensive assessment to understand their specific needs and the medical acuity of their addiction. This thorough evaluation helps us create a personalized treatment plan tailored to each individual’s unique circumstances. Depending on the assessment results, clients may begin with our medically supervised detox program to safely manage withdrawal symptoms.

After completing detox, clients transition smoothly into our residential treatment program. This step-down approach ensures continuous care and support, fostering a stable and structured environment for recovery. Throughout their stay, clients engage in individual sessions with key staff on a weekly basis, allowing for personalized attention and progress monitoring.

Our Amenities

At our Nashville inpatient rehab center, we provide a luxury environment designed to offer comfort and multiple pathways to recovery. Our amenities include:

  • Chef-Prepared Meals
  • Spacious Rooms
  • 24/7 Staff
  • Game Rooms and TVs (Access to PS5)
  • Volleyball Courts
  • Cornhole
  • TVs In Each Room
  • Biosound Healing

Our Rehab Therapies

At our Nashville inpatient rehab center, we are committed to utilizing evidence-based treatment programs that have been proven to achieve long-term success. By incorporating a variety of therapeutic approaches, we ensure that each client receives comprehensive and effective care tailored to their unique needs. 

Addiction Psychiatry

Our experienced addiction psychiatrists conduct thorough evaluations, providing medication management and psychotherapy for those experiencing withdrawal and co-occurring disorders to help clients achieve lasting recovery.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) combines FDA-approved medications with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat substance use disorders. MAT is particularly effective for opioid and alcohol addiction, helping to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, stabilize brain chemistry, and support long-term recovery.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely used, evidence-based approach that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that focuses on helping clients manage emotions, improve relationships, and develop mindfulness skills. DBT is particularly beneficial for individuals with co-occurring disorders, such as borderline personality disorder, who struggle with intense emotions and self-destructive behaviors.

Music Therapy

Music therapy uses the power of music to promote emotional, cognitive, and social healing. Clients engage in activities such as listening to music, creating music, and discussing lyrics, which can help reduce stress, enhance mood, and provide a creative outlet for self-expression.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy provides one-on-one sessions with a licensed therapist, allowing clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a confidential and supportive setting. 

Holistic Therapy

We offer therapies such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy, which promote overall well-being and complement traditional treatment approaches. 

Family Therapy

Through family therapy, clients and their families work on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and rebuilding trust. This collaborative approach helps strengthen the family unit and provides a solid foundation for sustained recovery.


Aftercare planning is a crucial component of our treatment program, ensuring that clients have ongoing support after completing inpatient rehab. Our aftercare services include outpatient therapy, support groups, and sober living arrangements. We help clients develop a long-term recovery plan that addresses their needs.

Meet Our Key Staff

Our dedicated staff sees their work not just as a career, but as a true calling in life. With multiple years of experience in treating individuals struggling with substance use disorder, they bring both expertise and compassion to their roles, ensuring the highest quality of care for our clients.

Loren Shelly

Director of Operations

Jackie Wiseman

Director of Nursing

Find Lasting Recovery with Inpatient Rehab in Nashville, Tennessee Today

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, don’t wait to get help.

Contact our Nashville inpatient rehab center today to learn more about our programs and take the first step towards a healthier, addiction-free life. Our team is here to support you every step of the way. Call us now at 615-695-1009 or verify your insurance now.


Did you know most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can help cover most of the costs associated with our program? Click below to find out your coverage and treatment options for our detox centers in Nashville.