Music City Detox

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

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Detoxing from alcohol or drugs is a vital first step on the road to recovery. After completing detox, most, if not all, of the physical withdrawal symptoms will have subsided. However, some people can continue to struggle with psychological withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, mood swings, irritation, depression, and anxiety, which is often referred to as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS).

At Music City Detox, we provide comprehensive detox treatment programs, including personalized plans to address PAWS. 

You're Not Alone. We Can Help.

At Music City Detox, our team of addiction experts in Nashville specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and premier detox services. We’re committed to helping each client find their own path to recovery.

What Is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome) occurs when psychological withdrawal symptoms continue beyond the normal acute withdrawal phase of detox treatment. The acute phase of detox is where physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms peak in intensity but then gradually subside until they eventually go away. 

However, some people can continue to experience ongoing psychological symptoms that can persist for months or even longer. The duration of PAWS depends on the type of substance addiction, the duration and frequency of use, and the amount used.

Some people can even experience PAWS for years, or the symptoms can appear out of the blue randomly when there have been no previous PAWS symptoms after detox and addiction treatment.

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Common PAWS Symptoms

Some of the common PAWS symptoms one could experience may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Panic attacks
  • Irritability
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Aggressiveness
  • Memory problems
  • Substance cravings
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Insomnia
  • Excess stress
  • Relationship issues

These symptoms can range in frequency and intensity and be moderate, mild, or severe. They may even disappear completely, only to return several weeks, months, or even years later. With continued treatment and support, PAWS does eventually fully subside. 

Symptoms of PAWS from Different Substances

The symptoms of PAWS will vary based on the type of substance addiction one had. While some symptoms can be similar, others may only appear for certain substances. 

  • Alcohol: People with alcohol PAWS could experience cravings for alcohol, elevated stress levels, anxiety, lethargy, depression, irritability, and insomnia. 
  • Opioids: Some of the more common PAWS symptoms associated with opioid recovery are depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, difficulties concentrating and focusing, and cravings for opioids. 
  • Benzos: People in recovery from benzos addiction with PAWS could experience mood swings, insomnia, anxiety, cravings, memory problems, and irritability. 
  • Stimulants: Some stimulant PAWS symptoms people may experience are depression, impulsive behaviors, aggressiveness, lack of energy, fatigue, and cravings. 
  • Antidepressants: Common PAWS symptoms for recovery from antidepressant addiction include cravings, headaches, irritability, depression, and aggressiveness.   
  • Marijuana: Some PAWS symptoms that could occur after discontinuing marijuana use are insomnia, vivid dreams, mood swings, cravings, and irritability. 

It is important to know not everyone will experience PAWS when recovering from alcohol and substance addictions. Furthermore, not everyone will have the same PAWS symptoms if they do experience PAWS.

[For more on specific substances, read our pages on Adderall Withdrawal, Cocaine Withdrawal, and Fentanyl Withdrawal]

What Causes PAWS?

It is believed PAWS is caused by the changes in the brain from prolonged alcohol and substance addictions. Once a person begins recovery, their brain starts to heal and restore functioning and balance that was altered from alcohol and substance use. Some of the common factors that contribute to PAWS include:

  • Neurotransmitter imbalance: Different substances force the release of various neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, GABA, and dopamine. When a person stops using alcohol or drugs, it takes time for neurotransmitter levels to return to normal. During this time, PAWS symptoms could occur. 
  • Changes in brain functions: Alcohol and substance use cause structural changes in the brain’s reward and mood regulation centers. After stopping alcohol and substance use, it takes time for the brain to heal. As it does, people can experience cravings, anxiety, irritability, and depression. 
  • Unresolved psychological issues: When someone was drinking or using drugs to cope with unresolved psychological issues, like PTSD or depression, the co-occurring condition can contribute to PAWS symptoms.
  • Genetic factors: Genetics also plays a role in PAWS symptoms. Some people may be more predisposed to experience PAWS than others due to their genetics.

How Long Does PAWS Last?

The duration of PAWS will vary from person to person. It could last for several weeks to a few months for some people. Others could continue to experience PAWS for much longer, sometimes years. The most crucial thing to remember is it is possible to recover from PAWS with continued support and treatment. 

How to Cope with PAWS

The most effective way to cope with PAWS is using effective strategies to help manage symptoms until they fully subside, such as:

  • Obtain professional help: While individuals may have completed their detox and addiction treatment, it is vital to have an aftercare plan that continues to provide access to professional help to manage PAWS symptoms.
  • Establish and maintain healthy routines: Eating a balanced diet, exercising, and trying to get sufficient sleep can help make coping with PAWS easier.
  • Stick to a structured routine: Having a structured routine in place is important as it makes it easier to accomplish daily tasks when trying to manage PAWS symptoms.
  • Maintain a solid support system: Having peer support can make a world of difference when managing PAWS.   
  • Avoid triggers and stressful situations: Until PAWS symptoms completely subside, avoiding triggers and stressful situations is a good idea. 

Treatment for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Treatment for post-acute withdrawal syndrome includes using evidence-based and holistic therapeutic modalities along with medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Individual and group therapies can continue to help people develop effective coping strategies and skills for managing PAWS, as well as provide vital peer support. MAT can be used to address specific PAWS symptoms. 

Holistic therapies, such as mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and music therapy, can help people learn stress reduction, relaxation, and calming techniques to make it easier to manage PAWS. It is also helpful to find hobbies and activities one enjoys that can help one relax or focus their concentration to distract from PAWS symptoms.

Get Help for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome in Nashville Today

Whether you completed detox and addiction treatment or are just starting your recovery journey to a better tomorrow, Music City Detox in Nashville offers support and treatment options for PAWS. Our comprehensive treatment options are personalized to your needs to help you maintain your newly found substance-free life.

Contact us today for further information and assistance.


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