Music City Detox

Meth Withdrawal Symptoms and Timeline

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Don’t let misinformation or fear of meth withdrawal symptoms keep you trapped in the darkness of compulsive substance abuse. When you get the facts you need, you’ll be prepared to make the best decisions for ending your meth use and building a healthier future in recovery. At Music City Detox, our detox programs in Nashville can help you find recovery from meth addiction. Call us now at 615-695-1009 or verify your insurance now.

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At Music City Detox, we understand the emotional, mental, and physical impact that addiction can have – because we’ve been there too. If you or a loved one are struggling, verify your insurance, or call us now.

Common Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

The type, intensity, and duration of the meth withdrawal symptoms you develop can be influenced by a variety of personal factors. These include how much meth you had been using, how long you had been abusing meth, and if you have any co-occurring medical or mental health conditions.

Depending on those and other relevant factors, you may be impacted by the following symptoms as you go through meth withdrawal:

  • Powerful cravings for meth
  • Reddened, itchy eyes
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Diminished energy and motivation
  • Increased appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Hostility
  • Paranoia
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Psychosis

Typical Meth Withdrawal Timeline

The typical meth withdrawal timeline involves two phases, acute and subacute (which is also sometimes referred to as the protracted phase):

  • Acute phase: Meth withdrawal symptoms can begin quickly and reach their maximum intensity within 24 hours after the last time a person used the drug. The severity of these symptoms should then slowly subside over the next week or two. The acute phase usually lasts 10-14 days.
  • Subacute (protracted) phase: After the acute phase has passed, most of a person’s physical pain will have subsided. However, some psychological symptoms – such as drug cravings, depression, psychosis, and difficulty experiencing pleasure – may persist for two to three additional weeks.

Benefits of Detox for Meth Withdrawal

If you try to get though methamphetamine withdrawal on your own, the severity of the symptoms you experience can quickly become overwhelming and push you back into active meth use.

To prevent this from happening, and to ensure you get through the withdrawal process safely and successfully, you may want to consider entering a detoxification (detox) program. The many benefits of detox for meth withdrawal include:

  • You will be in a closely supervised environment where you won’t have access to meth or any other addictive substances. This can prevent you from relapsing before you’ve even completed withdrawal.
  • You will be cared for by professionals who are familiar with all aspects of the meth withdrawal timeline, and who should be prepared for any contingency that may arise. Their ability to explain the process to you and answer your questions can eliminate fear of the unknown and allow you to focus fully on your well-being.
  • Depending on your needs and the parameters of the detox program you’re in, your treatment team may be able to offer medical and therapeutic support to help you manage your meth withdrawal symptoms.
  • You may be able to participate in other forms of therapy while you are still in detox, which can help you begin to build a healthier, substance-free future.
  • Once you’ve completed detox, your treatment team can refer you to a trusted residential or outpatient program. Transitioning immediately from detox to the next phase of treatment can reduce your risk of relapse and help you gain a more solid foothold in early recovery.

Detox for meth addiction usually lasts about a week or two, until the most intense meth withdrawal symptoms dissipate. When you transfer into a follow-on program, you can learn how to manage cravings and other protracted symptoms.

Treatment Options After Meth Detox

Treatment after meth detox can take many forms. There’s no single “perfect” course to follow. Instead, you should focus on finding a provider who will develop a customized treatment plan that addresses the full scope of your needs and aligns with your short- and long-term goals.

Depending on what those needs and goals are, your ideal plan may include residential care and/or various levels of outpatient programming. Within these programs, you can participate in a range of customized therapies and support services, which can help you accomplish objectives such as:

  • Identifying your triggers, which are circumstances that could undermine your recovery
  • Learning how to avoid triggers or, when necessary, how to get through them without resorting to meth abuse
  • Practicing stress management and conflict resolution skills, both of which can be beneficial to you throughout your recovery journey
  • Becoming an informed self-advocate, so that you can express your needs and request assistance in the most effective manner
  • Receiving treatment for anxiety, depression, trauma, or other co-occurring mental health concerns
  • Developing a personal support network
  • Beginning to repair relationships that were damaged as a result of your compulsive meth use
  • Sharing support with other members of the recovery community

Before you have completed treatment, you should receive a discharge plan to guide your continued progress. Maintaining your recovery is a lifelong effort, and this plan can connect you with professional services and peer-led resources that can help you along the way.

Learn More About Meth Detox in Nashville

If you’re ready to free yourself from the chains of compulsive meth abuse, Music City Detox is here to help.

When you choose to begin your recovery journey at Music City Detox, you will be cared for by a team of compassionate experts. We are committed to providing you with a truly personalized experience, so that you can complete the meth withdrawal process safely and with minimal discomfort.

When you’re ready to transition out of detox, we can help you determine your next best steps and refer you to a trusted rehab center in your area. The time you spend with us may be relatively brief, but we’re confident that the care you receive here can put you on the path toward lifelong recovery and a more hopeful future.

To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Admissions page or call us today.